MAHA 2022 is an exhibition that is held every 2 years. It was postponed during Covid time and had again this year for about a week. The parking fee was RM5 per entry via TouchnGo card. There were RapidKL buses in service at MARDI, the venue for MAHA. Once we parked our car, we walked to the tent (temporary bus stop) to wait for the bus that brought us from the car park slot to the hall area. The buses were free of charge to ease the traffic inside MAEPS/MARDI. Public cars were not allowed to enter the MARDI compound except for the dedicated public parking slots. We came out early around 9am and were surprised the 2 entrances to MARDI had very long queues that extended around 2km away. We spent almost 40 mins in the queue to enter the parking area. The long queue was possibly caused by the TouchnGo payment system/the limited counters available.
Tram/bus A route- from parking area to laman tiba 1 (hall)
MAHA exhibition was a big showcase that was scattered at different locations in MARDI. It was quite hard to walk from one to another location under the big hot sun. Therefore, RapidKL buses helped to transit the visitors from location A to B and vice versa. The previous year was only a small tram that the public complained was not enough to cater for the crowd. It took me around 15 mins to board the bus in the queue for around 100 people in front of me this year.
Photo with horseshoe crab (belangkas)
Brazil nuts (origin from South America) were harvested from a tree planted in Institut Pertanian Serdang a long time ago (believed brought into Malaysia in 1500).
The metallic-coloured bugs are called jewel beetles.
Corn snakes
Various plants (vegetables, fruit, flowers) were sold in pots at the side of the exhibition hall (Dewan A, B, C, D).
Tram C route- state pavilion- white house-paddy field-fish farm-vegetable farm
Map for livestock, pet and avian valley exhibition
Bus stop at the pet valley exhibition. The bus sent the visitors back to the hall. There was no stopover for a fishing farm, vegetable farm or state pavilion for this bus.
The pet chameleon was the size of a komodo.
The porcupine gained popularity these few years due to its phytobezoar stone (porcupine dates).
Vorwerk chicken
Wyandotte chicken
Terengganu Batik chicken
Buff Orpington chicken was selling at RM6.5k
Onagadori chicken from Japan was selling at Rm2.5k
The fierce-looking fighting Ganoi chicken from Vietnam. The selling price was RM1200.
The paddy field exhibition hall was exciting with a lot of activities for the public. There was a competition opened for everyone to catch the catfish released into the muddy paddy field. Participants were allowed to bring home their hauls (catfishes).
The instagrammable spot of the surreal buffalo at the paddy field was made of dried leaves.
Dragonfly at the paddy field
By-products from the rice production
From the avian valley, it took me around 15 mins walking distance to fishing & vegetable valley. There was also a small tram that transferred visitors to these few places in between. However, the waiting time could be long.
The vegetable farm walkway is so interesting with the green roof concept!
Not sure if this is a type of pumpkin

Photo with the weird-looking melon
The fishing pond was filled with anglers.
The flower horn fish was believed to bring in good luck and fortune.
Turtle eggs hatching model
Edible sea grapes (latok) cultivated from Kampung Pulau Sayak, Kedah was said to offer a lot of health benefits if consumed regularly.
Looks like a fun place to visit.