上星期天受邀出席在Paradigm Mall,由Perfect World举办的 《笑傲江湖Online》 的发布会。
Last week I attended the launch of Swordsman by Perfect World at Paradigm Mall.
Last week I attended the launch of Swordsman by Perfect World at Paradigm Mall.
《笑傲江湖Online》是由全球首屈一指的免费大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)完美世界(Perfect World)所开发。这对游戏玩家一点都不陌生。
Perfect World a leader and publisher of widely-acclaimed free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG), is pleased to announce the debut of Swordsman in Malaysia. For gamers, it might sounds familiar to them.
According to Sky Zhang, South East Asia Director of Perfect World, “Perfect World aspires to develop proprietary and original online games with a long-term goal of sharing the Chinese culture globally.

[Continue]To date, we have distributed online games to more than one hundred countries and have built a significant presence worldwide. We at Perfect World are constantly enhancing the library of games for the players; hence, bringing Swordsman to Malaysians is something we have wanted to do all along.

【接】公测版 (open beta)将在数天内启动,届时玩家将能置身于《笑傲江湖Online》的精彩武侠世界中,体验令人惊艳的江湖历险!”
The open beta phase will conclude in the next couple of days and gaming enthusiasts can definitely look forward to experiencing Swordsman Online's rich story and amazing gameplay!”

我国羽坛一哥拿督李宗伟也莅临《笑傲江湖Online》的推介活动现场。这侠义豪情的游戏吸引了世界羽球第一男单。作为杰出的国家运动员,拿督李宗伟在球场上的英勇和斗志,与游戏呈现的英雄气概和战斗精神不谋而合。此外,本地专业玩家Ashley Khoo和Xiao Ting也出席了推介活动,在现场展现游戏战术和专业知识,令围观公众频频喝彩欢呼。
Gracing the launch event is national shuttler, Dato’ Lee Chong Wei as this heroic game has caught the interest of the world number one men's singles badminton player. Being a life-long national sportsman, it is not surprising that Dato’ Lee finds the connection with the tale of heroism and fighting spirit portrayed in the game. Also present, are local professional gamers Ashley Khoo and Xiao Ting who awed the public with their gaming tactics and expertise.

Swordsman enablesgamers to explore the martial arts world during an intense era of the Ming Dynasty.

From the strong and noble Shaolin clan to the swift and deadly Sun and Moon clan, gamers journey to master legendary fighting skills to engage in real-time combat with members of rival schools in the attempt to become the most powerful in the world martial arts.

以金庸(查良镛)原著《笑傲江湖》武侠小说为背景,此革命性的免费武侠网游MMORPG,采用完美世界独有的全新Angelica III 3D 游戏引擎,将带来电影般的视觉盛宴,淋漓展现江湖十大门派特色;其独创大气系统,让玩家犹如处身风起云涌的江湖世界中。
True to its name, the new martial arts-inspired MMORPGwhich is based off the famed novels from Louis Cha, also known as Jin Yong, will feature ten martial arts clans, all wrapped in the visuals of Perfect World’s proprietary 3-D gaming engine - the Angelica III engine.
True to its name, the new martial arts-inspired MMORPGwhich is based off the famed novels from Louis Cha, also known as Jin Yong, will feature ten martial arts clans, all wrapped in the visuals of Perfect World’s proprietary 3-D gaming engine - the Angelica III engine.
这里分享一些Perfect World的商品!天啊!我真的很喜欢呢!当我拿到礼袋时,瞧一眼,还以为他们送我一本旧书还是圣经,怎么知道拿上来看不是呢!是一本很特别用皮制的记事本^^
Next I have this thumbdrive from Perfect World too! Haha I did some drawing to it so that the picture does not look bored ^^
接下来我也拿到Perfect World 精美的闪存盘!哈哈我也加上了一些简单的画,让照片看起来不那么闷 ^^

To experience the amazing journey of Swordsman, log on to xa.4games.com (Note: Open Beta will be available from June 5)
it looks a great event!
Bonjourchiara Facebook Page
DeleteInteresting event so much fun it looks like.
ohh this looks like a nice game! (not really my type, I'm more into candy crush xD) but I need to show this to a friend. She plays LOL, so I believe that she would like this as well.
ReplyDeleteTake care*
haha that's great!
Deletesharing is caring :)
This event looks so good :) nice post
Lovely post sweetie :) keep in touch
DeleteI havent tried that game yet:)
ReplyDeletehaha new game dear
DeleteLooks interesting dear! :)
ReplyDelete❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤
what a cool event
DeleteCool event!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day,
Impressive post and amazing event!
wow, what a great event, we love the usb key!
ReplyDeleteUn abbraccio
Eva e Valentina the anarCHIC
haha yeah me too
DeleteLooks like a great event dear.....xoxoxo....^_^
ReplyDeleteNice. Lookslike a great event.
DeleteCute thumbdrive and goodies, Emily ^.^
ReplyDeleteHow fun!!!
我不玩线上游戏的, 时间不够用。。。
ReplyDelete我看, 有些人很沉迷, 牺牲睡眠, 我觉得很傻! ^^
DeleteThis thumbdrive is great! Good idea!
ReplyDeleteyeah ^^
DeleteHow awesome is that thumbdrive! Looks like a fun event
DeleteWhat a great event! Love the pendrive :)
Don't forget to check my Shopbop gift card giveaway!!
DeleteIt looks a great event
ReplyDeletexx, Ana Carolina
Instagram e Twitter: @simplesglamour
Costumes are great! Lovely blog! I'm following you hope you follow me back ^.^
I didn't know this game!
ReplyDeleteIt seems very interesting (*≧ω≦*)
yup, now you know
Deletenice event!
ReplyDeletehaha that looks like a fun event! we do not have that in france i think? Not sure.
ReplyDeletebisous from Paris!
not sure
DeleteGosh, totally love the thumbdrive!
ReplyDeleteLuxury Haven
haha many commented so
DeleteJust popped in to say hi Emily!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
International giveaway: win a sparkle made in Italy
welcome ^^