Percy Jackson @ Cathay Cineplex

城市的生活压力大,往往我们的消遣就是去看戏。那天就和朋友到Cathay Cineplex, e curve看Percy Jackson.  

City life is stress, often our pastime is going to watch movie. That day I went to Cathay Cineplex, e curve with friend to watch Percy Jackson.

这里的情况没有Midvalley 地方那样,需要排长队买票。在这里看戏,都不需要等超过10分钟买票。

The condition here is not same as Midvalley where someone need to queue up for a long time to buy ticket. To buy a movie ticket, one no need to spend over 10 minutes for the waiting time.


Opposite the box office is food counter. As only one counter opened, therefore the queue is long.

Percy Jackson 播映的地点是在Hall 15, 必须爬楼梯上一层去。这Hall 15 其实从检票处那里走进去也很远,我也没估计到原来Cathay Cineplex 的戏院有那么多播映厅。

Percy Jackson being shown at Hall 15, which quite far away to walk from ticket checking counter. I never expect Cathay Cineplex  has so many cinema hall.


Beside the ticket checking counter, there is a corner with massage chairs serving the public, same as those in shopping mall.

这里是Hall 15, 倾斜度较高,所以就算前面的人很高,也不会挡到我的视线。曾经试过在别的戏院看戏,倾斜度较低,看画面时需要闪去一旁才能看清楚画面,看得不是滋味。

Here is Hall 15, high inclination, so if someone sit in front of you is high, this does not block your sight. I have a  bad experience when watch movie in other cinema because I have to incline my body to a side to watch the movie as the guy sits in front is too high.


We sit at the highest row. Basically the seat is comfortable.

当天是去看Percy Jackson 电影,还没看这套电影前,只看过海报。那时给我的感觉就是会较沉闷的一套戏。但开头吸引了我,还真的有点惊喜。故事挺新鲜的,说主角是海神的儿子,在取某物时所遇到的一切怪兽和应对方式。戏里头还出现一个人头马身的人以及独眼人,这奇奇怪怪的东西,对我而言还真的蛮吸引的咯!

I thought Percy Jackson is bored when I looked at the poster but it does not. The beginning of the story does surprise me. The whole story is brand new, telling us how the main character who is the son of Poseidon fight with all the monsters. In the movie, there is appearance of remy human body and one-eyed human, all these weird creature does attracting me to watch!


  1. I only can watch cartoon in the cinema.. :p

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