Fairy Beauty 美丽分享会 @Myoga

这是我首次踏入Myoga,但之前也屡有所闻。这次来的目的主要是受邀参与Fairy Beauty的产品分享会。

This was my first time stepped into Myoga. The purpose coming here was to attend Fairy Beauty product sharing.

By the time I was here, a lot of bloggers were there.

Fairy Beauty的登记柜台。
registration counter of Fairy Beauty

Fairy Beauty我从来没听过,这也是我收到请柬第一次听到此品牌。据我了解,Fairy Beauty 是个美容饮品。


I never heard of Fairy Beauty, I just get to know it by the time I received the invitation. From what I know, Fairy Beauty is a beauty drink.

When I come in front for product shooting, up to my surprise that the TV host and actress- Mayjune was sitting just besides the product display table.

A big thank you for the organizer preparing these great food for us.

开始时,Fairy Beauty 对我们讲解此产品的来源以及成分等。主办单位也很贴心地为我们准备了一份小册子,里面有完所有Fairy Beauty的产品完整的成分资料以及效应,真的好用心哦!

At first, Fairy Beauty introduced us their products and ingredients inside. They even prepared a booklet for everyone of us with full details of every products they having.

产品简介/ Product introduction:
The two products are made of natural ingredients, so they are safe to be consumed.

  • Fairy Blossom & Fairy Whitez的配方来自新西兰,在马来西亚制作的。
  • Fairy Blossom & Fairy Whitez formulation came from New Zealand but made in Malaysia.

  • Fairy Blossom主要功效是散发复兴和复原的能力,促进胸部丰满和紧实美,并调理女性荷尔蒙。
  • Fairy Blossom bursts with enhancement and restorative powers that encourage breast firming and regulate hormone.

  • Fairy Whitez的主要功能则是抗老美白
  • Fairy Whitez serves for the purpose of anti-aging and skin lightening.

当然少不了邀请Mayjune上来分享她的心得。她是Fairy Beauty的代言人哦!Mayjune也很坦白以及带点羞涩地说,喝了后,男友察觉她的身体部位有稍微的变化,让他自己也觉得开心。小个子的她也说喝了Fairy Beauty的Fairy Blossom, 感觉自己的胸部有升级。

Mayjune was also invited to come in front to give her testimonial after using them for a period of time. She was embarrassed to tell us that she noticed the changes from her boyfriend where he noticed her breast has upgraded since using the product. She was happy of the result. 

All bloggers were paying full attention for the beauty sharing session.

At last, the organizer also invited their customers coming up to share their opinions of the products.

当局很有诚意送我们 Fairy Blossom & Fairy Whitez各三盒,让我们亲身体验他们的效果。除此以外,Myoga也送出了免费3天上课准证!

Everyone of us received 3 boxes of Fairy Blossom & Fairy Whitez respectively to try them at home. Besides, Myoga also gave us three days passes for any of the lessons there.

现在可以在Caring Pharmacy,Aeon Wellness Pharmacy 等药剂店找到Fairy Blossom & Fairy Whitez。在7月开始它们也会在Watsons 和Sasa出售。一盒市价是RM89,里面共有10瓶。

The products are available at Caring pharmacy and Aeon Wellness Pharmacy. From July onwards, they are also available at Watson and Sasa. The selling price is RM89 with 10 bottles inside the box.

当天的活动也有在Sisters 杂志刊登哦!我这一期也要去购买收藏 ^^
The event was published in Sisters magazine and I'm going to buy it too ^^
