On 22 April, I joined a trip to organic farm in Semenyih organized by Melvita in conjunction with Earth Day. Why I am so interested? This is because I have a big interest with natural food products and its planting system. I have a dream that one day when I have enough money, I will buy a land and plant vegetables, fruits and etc. I get to eat what I plant, there is a self satisfaction while I can eat healthily and safe. That is why I participated the event.
我那时有叫几位朋友一起参与,可是不知何故,我们竟然没有入阁,也不晓得是否google form有问题所以提交不到。最后我写了一则短讯给Melvita以表达我的意愿,他们最后回复我最多只能再容下2个人,有点小失望,因为我那其他两位朋友就没得去了。真的觉得很抱歉因为当初是我拉他们去的,但最后他们没有参与。
I asked few friends to join but due to some problems happening, our name is not in the list, may be bacause of google form submission problem caused. At last, I wrote a letter to Melvita, they replied me and told the most they can cater for extra 2 persons. Feel little bit disappointed, I have to turn down my other 2 friends. I feel sorry to them as I am the one who asking them to go but they can not join in the end.
Melvita有提供巴士去,但是由于Semenyih那里从我们自己家去比较附近,所以还是决定自己驾车去。若你曾到过Broga Hill,一路上应该不会没有看到这家有机农场的招牌。没错,它的地点就在Broga Hill 之前和Nottingham University之后的那段路途之间。
Melvita provided a bus to go, but since Semenyih was nearer to our own house, therefore we decided to go by own car. If you been to Broga Hill before, at the halfway you may see this big billboard at the roadside. Well, the exact location is between Nottingham University and Broga Hill.
这里是登记处。Melvita 的工作人员也在桌子上准备了他们公司品牌的防晒油,让没有搽的人可以使用和试用。
This is the registration counter. Melvita crew puts their company brand sunscreen on the table for anyone who want to use.
The person in charge of the farm started to introduce himself and also Ladybird Organic Farm. The purpose of Melvita organize the trip is to get more people to know what is organic as Melvita is selling organic products.
The first session of the event was visitation. Not only vegetation, there was also small animals.
The farm workers took out a big baskets of organic vegetables for us to feed the animals.
Besides geese, they have rabbits too.
These are the organic vegetables they plant. The small animals are very lucky to eat such good and healthy food.
Look at the leaf! There was many tiny holes distributed on the leaf. I asked person in charge, he said the leaf/vegetable was healthy, whereas if the leaf being eaten all only at one side, that meant the soil had problem.
He explained that the soil was cow dung. After being processed and excreted by earthworm, the soil is ready to use.
He asked us to touch the earthworms.
The PIC said there were few types of earthworms. One of the type was from India as they can digest faster than local earthworms.
The cow dung bought from cow farm owned by local Malay. He claimed that no more stinky smell by the time he bought from the owner.
Shed for buds.
He said the plant here used the spring water to watering.
然后水都由那边的Broga 山流下来。
And the water flowing down from Broga Hill over there.
The workers carefully moved the buds from the plate into the soil.
All need manpower. After all, we can see the buds being arranged systematically.
When can I have all these?
Next, we being brought to see the process of making enzymes. These enzymes was used on the plant to get rid of insects. They never use pesticides.
Then, we being brought to another hillside to see other plants.
有大家熟悉的Misai Kucing
Beautiful colour of the leaves
明日叶 (明日yeah!),明天会更好?
I forgot the name of this plant. For what I know from PIC, he said the plant is useful to treat those with skin problems (pimples).
I picked one to consume
For me the flavour is acceptable, overall it is grassy taste.
Next is planting activity. We were divided into two groups for the planting activity after the demonstration by PIC.
I was little bit disappointed when I was not even get a chance to hold the shovel to plant myself. The workers finished all to you and I just need to take it from his hand.
Melvita 的工作人员过后帮我们的植物绑上绳子以及小标签。
Melvita crew helped us to decorate the plant.
Last, we were being served with wholesome organic lunch.
The liquid inside the bowl was corn soup. It was tasteless like water but it filled with corn aroma.
朋友跑去买他们的杏仁奶,果然是很不错。因为在之前sweet hut 喝过他们制作的杏仁甜品,味道真的难以接受,不过这真的很好喝!一瓶是RM7。
My friend bought this almonds milk with RM7. It was really good in taste.
This was the end of the activity. I learnt a lot from this visitation. I was happy with the trip.
Melvita 送的手礼,有我最需要用到的lip balm,因为若没搽护唇膏,我的嘴唇会很干而脱皮 ^^
Door gift from Melvita, got what I need the most- lip balm as my lip always cracks ^^
About Melvita
Leading French organic skincare brand Melvita was founded in 1983 by French biologist and beekeeper, Bernard Chevilliat. Besides being one of the pioneers in the world to gain the French ECOCERT and BIO certificates for organic products, it has been leading the world in setting trends of organic beauty care, with its unique formulas developed using more than 600 types of quality natural organic ingredients. It is known to be the organic beauty care brand with the largest range of organically certified product series in the world.
Wow wanted to go that day but I got work :( tell me the hand cream nice or not after you used it! :)
ReplyDeleteif everyday also eat that sure very healthy one! but normally 有机 = expensive. lol