不能错过的黄金屋@ Big Bad Wolf 书展

俗语说:书中自有黄金屋,那天就在MIECC 买了许多书回来。瞧,里面都是宝哦!

那天星期五晚上经过The Mines,本想去买个东西就出来,怎么知道看到如此多车要驶入停车场,猜想应该是为了Big Bad Wolf 的书展吧!因那里有个大又非常明显的招牌哦!

在好奇心的驱使下,我们俩决定去MIECC 瞧瞧,在会展外的大门口时,就看到好多人一箱箱或者几箱把书搬上车。心想真的那么便宜到疯狂吗?


New World Mythology RM15

Old World Mythology RM15


Ancient Egypt RM8

Ancient Greece RM8

Ancient Rome RM8

Choosing Auspicious Chinese Names RM5

The Timeline of China (hardcover) RM8

Gold Boy Emerald Girl (Fiction/hardcover) RM8

完全美妆手册 RM5

   Mrs MisMarriage (Fiction) RM3

Amazing Grace (Fiction) RM3

25 Most Dangerous Sales Myths RM5

Travel Around China RM10

Prescription for Nutritional Healing RM18

从进去本想走走看看就出来,结果买了RM119!反而早前陪朋友来看中文书展都没有买一本书。(中文书展的书反而不便宜,还要给入门票!)虽然破费但真的非常值得啦,有些书外国卖原价是 USD 25, 但RM8 就可以买到了!真的很符合广告里写的 75-95% 折扣。


那天由进去7点多到11点半才排队付钱,结果本来要在The Mines 买的东西没有买到,夸张吗?朋友说趁书展还没结束,他还想去多一次看看,这是不是更疯狂呢?


  1. I went during the sale preview, but i feel that last year's sale got more interesting books.

  2. hmmm but the book fair is so worth at least for me...finished reading the novel mismarriage...quite a good book to read on and yesterday I also bought some books from the book fair too...sounds crazy right?


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