On 13 April, I celebrated my birthday with my bf in Chop and Steak Restaurant located in Serdang, Selangor. There are 2 branches in Serdang.
4月13日。我在沙登出名的 Chop and Steak 餐厅庆祝生日,在沙登这里拥有2间分行。
Chop and Steak is a Malay westernized restaurant. This shop is familiar among UPM students as most of the customers come to eat are UPM students and I am one of them during 4 years of study.

What make it so special? I personally like the renovation of the restaurant. 99% of the restaurant built up with wood. There are various seating place to choose from. You can choose to dine in a table which is short like Japanese style sitting at the floor.
什么让这里那么特别?我本身是蛮喜欢它家餐厅的装横,99% 是用木做的。座位设计也别有心思,还可以选择坐在地上,如日本人那样。

While dining, you can patrol around to see the owner's collection. There is a motorbike at the corner, however, you can only see and can not sit on it to take picture.
Tada....my fruit drink is ready to serve~~Taste nice and there is pulp inside. Thus I can say they blend the fruit and gives us the original good flavor without artificial flavor addition. Guess how much it costs for a big glass of fruit drink?
This is the price list. It is only RM 2.50 for a big glass of fruit drink. It is super worth lor! Other places selling at least RM 4!
这就是价钱表。一个大杯的果汁只是RM2.50 而已,超级实惠!外面其他地方都要至少 RM4 以上!

This is my Fish and Chip order. Well, this is the popular dishes in this restaurant I guess. Last time, the dish is bigger than now and cheaper. Now is selling at RM 7.90, 4 years back selling at RM 5.50-6.50 only.
这就是我叫的Fish and Chip. 好啦,这也是本店最好卖的食物。以前,比这更大盘才卖 RM 5.50-6.50,现在已经起到 RM7.90, 贵了好多!

This is the chicken chop that my bf ordered. Damage is RM 8.90. Considered cheap?
这就是我男友定的鸡扒,花了RM8.90, 算便宜吗?
This is the menu price list, you can save it for checking the price before go to dine there.
This is the last order that I made- omelet. Well, this does not taste very good and up to my expectation. I remembered omelet is an egg fried with ingredients inside but this is just a fried egg with pepper.
Open from 6pm til night.
开门时间:6pm 至晚上
4月13日。我在沙登出名的 Chop and Steak 餐厅庆祝生日,在沙登这里拥有2间分行。
什么让这里那么特别?我本身是蛮喜欢它家餐厅的装横,99% 是用木做的。座位设计也别有心思,还可以选择坐在地上,如日本人那样。
这就是价钱表。一个大杯的果汁只是RM2.50 而已,超级实惠!外面其他地方都要至少 RM4 以上!
这就是我叫的Fish and Chip. 好啦,这也是本店最好卖的食物。以前,比这更大盘才卖 RM 5.50-6.50,现在已经起到 RM7.90, 贵了好多!
这就是我男友定的鸡扒,花了RM8.90, 算便宜吗?
Open from 6pm til night.
开门时间:6pm 至晚上
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