

每个人对好喝的‘拉茶’地方都有不同的意见吧?在此,F&N想知道你们心目中喜欢喝‘拉茶’的地点。欢迎大家提供你们喜爱的‘拉茶’地点以及做个简单的survey,就会有机会免费获取价值RM5的预付电话充值卷哦(包括Maxis, Digi, Celcom, U-mobile and etc)!尽快哦,因为只限首1000名做survey的人!


Where’s the best Teh Tarik place? Eh, tell lah!

Everyone has their opinion on which place serves BEST TEH TARIK, F&N wants to know! So help out your friendly neighborhood Teh Tarik place by taking this survey on the best Teh Tarik in Malaysia and get a RM5 mobile reload voucher for FREE! Hurry, only the first 1,000 people who take this survey will get it!

For more info, click: Here
