这就是我在GNC Leisure Mall Outlet 拿到的限量版小手提袋Taut handbag (limited edition)哦 !本人觉得蛮值得的哦,因为retail price也要RM 39.90(本人看着他用电脑scan手提袋),而我却免费拿了3个回来(做么只是选这个呢?因为个人觉得比较美和实用咯),一个自己用,一个给妈妈,另外一个是男友妈妈,我是不是很公平呢?不过我也买了他们的GNC Women Ultra Mega Dietary Supplement,专给女性的营养补助品,有50% 折扣,大约花了RM23+ (原价大概RM46)买了下来,毕竟想到自己吃的东西没有那么均匀(可能我少吃肉的关系)和容易疲累,而这瓶东西刚好补充了我的铁质,钙质以及主要的Vitamin B 成分(煮菜时最容易被破坏或流失的Vitamin)。在GNC购买营养补助品,也是另外一个经济的选购地方(除了直销公司外,不用我多说,也懂什么公司啦)。
This is Taut handbag ( limited edition) which I managed to obtain from GNC Leisure Mall outlet. The retail price of this little nice handbag costs RM 39.90 but I got three without any charges!(You may wonder why I select this for the gift but not sling pouch or pill box? This is because I personally think the handbag is nice and useful). One for myself, one for my mum and one for my boyfriend's mum, ain't I fair enough? Nevertheless, I also bought their new product specially designed for women- GNC Women Ultra Mega Dietary Supplement with discounted price. This product cost me for only RM 23+ (NP: RM 46+) which means 50% rebated. Well, the main reason I bought this because it is a good product for replenish my calcium and iron loss during menstruation and insufficient dietary intakes everyday as well as vitamin B loss during food cooking. Therefore, GNC is definitely an ideal place to visit for with economical and affordable price (besides direct sell company with expensive price).

Attached above is the e-voucher delivered to our mailbox. Our details regarding name, IC, home address, email, location for collection of gift and code are written down very clear.
This is Taut handbag ( limited edition) which I managed to obtain from GNC Leisure Mall outlet. The retail price of this little nice handbag costs RM 39.90 but I got three without any charges!(You may wonder why I select this for the gift but not sling pouch or pill box? This is because I personally think the handbag is nice and useful). One for myself, one for my mum and one for my boyfriend's mum, ain't I fair enough? Nevertheless, I also bought their new product specially designed for women- GNC Women Ultra Mega Dietary Supplement with discounted price. This product cost me for only RM 23+ (NP: RM 46+) which means 50% rebated. Well, the main reason I bought this because it is a good product for replenish my calcium and iron loss during menstruation and insufficient dietary intakes everyday as well as vitamin B loss during food cooking. Therefore, GNC is definitely an ideal place to visit for with economical and affordable price (besides direct sell company with expensive price).

Attached above is the e-voucher delivered to our mailbox. Our details regarding name, IC, home address, email, location for collection of gift and code are written down very clear.
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